Last Rollback was in February 2019 and this is the Plaque

n within 7 days or valentine that glitch/rollback events marks a year. The weird thing ,its almost 7 days to a year, but theres another one and again this is happening!
This glitch blown up at 07 February 2020 everyone is sbing about this, This is some picture that i got.
Credits -Anonym

If you wanna know more about the Bug and Glitches in 2019 read this Bugs & Glithces in 2019
Growtopia Respond about the Issue
Hello Growtopians,— Growtopia Official (@growtopiagame) February 7, 2020
The duplication issue that was reported earlier today was addressed with the last restart and actions are currently being investigated. We will update you as soon as we have more information for you. Read more here:
~ Baskerville